Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
1:00 Dismissal
National School Counseling Week
Stop in and tell Mrs. Larson THANK YOU for all she does for MHS!
- Seniors interested in applying to be a DARE Role Model please send a brief essay email to Officer Graver explaining why you want to be a role model. Please include your phone number and t-shirt size. Essay is due February 21st.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26: 1:00 Dismissal
Silver Service Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- If you are interested in doing a Summer Internship with Workplace Learning Connection, the deadline for applying is this Friday. See Mrs. Larson with questions.
- Seniors: Make sure you are checking the scholarship page! Those deadlines are coming up faster than you might think!
- Here is the link for the activities calendar
Tomorrow: Chili w/crackers, string cheese, applesauce, cinnamon roll
Today: Grab and Go