Thursday, April 4th, 2024
Prom Information
- If you are bringing a student from another school, those forms are in the green folders in the office. They are due back by Friday, April 12th.
- If you are bringing an MHS student who is in 9th or 10th grade, please sign them up in the office.
- After April 1st, you can still attend Post Prom but you won’t get a t-shirt. Also, you don’t need to attend Prom, to attend Post Prom.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, April 9: ISASP Testing
- Wednesday, April 10: 1:00 Dismissal
- Thursday, April 11: ISASP Testing
- Friday, April 12: ISASP Testing
- Wednesday, April 17: 1:00 Dismissal
- Saturday, April 20: Prom
- Wednesday, April 24: 1:00 Dismissal
- Wednesday, May 1: 1:00 Dismissal
Silver Service Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- Seniors: Here is the link for the Scholarship page on the MCSD web page.
- Here is the link for the activities calendar
- Boys Golf at Monticello @ 4:00
- Boys Track at Tipton @ 4:30
- Boys Soccer at Western Dubuque @ 6:00
- Today: Tenderloin, sweet potato fries, coleslaw, apples
- Tomorrow: Stuffed crust pizza, salad, mixed veggies, watermelon