Tuesday, October 10, 2023
- There is a BPA meeting during advisory on Wednesday 10/11.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, October 11: 1:00 Dismissal
- Wednesday, October 18: NO 1:00 Dismissal
- Thursday, October 19: 1:00 Dismissal
- Tuesday, October 24: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
- Wednesday, October 25: NO 1:00 Dismissal
- Thursday, October 26: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
- Friday, October 27: No School
Silver Service Opportunities
- Click here for information regarding volunteering with local enforcement agencies!
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- Career Fair!! October 25th from 8:30-11:30 am in the gym here at MHS!
- Here is the link for the activities calendar
- Cross Country Conference Meet at Iowa City @ 4:30 pm–dismiss at 2:15
- Today: Country fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, orange jello salad, roll
- Tomorrow: Cheddar dog, french fries, macaroni salad, peaches